Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Introduction to Information Technology

A simple definition for Information/ data  is, "a piece of knowledge" we receive about something or someone. Generally data and information can be treated as same but technically speaking any data which is processed, organized and presented properly is referred as an Information. An information is said to be useful only if it correct, complete and relevant. Information could be in any form such as text, voice, image, video etc.. and it can be qualitative or quantitative. 

The technology which is used for storing, processing, exchanging of information/ data is called as information technology.

Information technology consists of two major systems such as :
1. Communication Systems
2. Computing Systems.

Communication Systems

The primary job of communication system is to transfer the information from the source to destination. There are five major entities in communication systems. They are 

1. Source : Which is the origin of the message or information
2. Transmitter : Which transmits the information from the source
3. Medium or channel : This is the path for information transmission
4. Receiver : It receives the information from the channel and sends to destination.
5. Destination : Which receives the information finally.

There are three major criteria for information transmission

1. The information should reach the proper destination.
2. The information should be correct and reliable.
3. The information should be time bounded and it should not be delayed much.

Computing Systems 

The primary job of computing system is to process, store and present the information in an efficient way. Computing systems ranges from hardware engineering such as embedded systems, system architecture to software engineering such as application programming, database management systems etc.. Computer networking is an another major area which connects computing and communication systems. Both computation and communication are interrelated and optimum utilization of these systems make an IT application successful !!


In coming blogs I am planning to write about the applications which use IT extensively.
I am still having problem in understanding the difference between information systems and information technology. 

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